RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany -- Chief Master Sgt. Phillip L. Easton, U.S. Air Forces Europe and U.S. Air Forces Africa command chief master sergeant, Ramstein Air Base, Germany, has been selected to replace Fleet Master Chief Crispian D. Addington as the Senior Enlisted Leader for U.S. European Command, Stuttgart, Germany.
The Senior Enlisted Leader for United States European Command advises the commander on enlisted issues and provides leadership to the 82,000 joint service members distributed over 400 bases and facilities in an area of responsibility covering 51 countries. The position also provides guidance on theater security cooperation promotes enlisted professional development, through training and education in order to build partner nations’ capacity and improve inner-operability and serves as a mentor for senior enlisted in the European footprint.
Chief Master Sgt. Gregory A. Smith, Command Chief Master Sergeant, Air Forces Special Operations Command, Hurlburt Air Force Base, Florida, has been selected to replace Chief Master Sgt. Phillip L. Easton at U.S. Air Forces Europe and U.S. Air Forces Africa.
For more information, contact U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa Public Affairs at +49 06371-47-6558, usafepao.pao@us.af.mil, or usafepa.pastaffdutyofficer@us.af.mil.