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  • Egress Airmen continuously improve processes, plans

    Imagine sitting comfortably in your car when suddenly a severe mechanical failure occurs and the safest course of action is to launch yourself into the air by nothing more than your driver’s seat. It may sound like a crazy thing to do, but for aircraft pilots this can be a very real situation.The

  • 31st CES, CEMIRT, supply power to 31 FW

    In order for the U.S. Air Force to provide the airpower needed to fly, fight, and win around the globe, electrical power is needed to keep each base and their operations running no matter the hour.

  • 555th AMU continues maintenance mission

    Each individual has a part to play in the 31st Fighter Wing’s vision of maintaining an agile and ready force while maintaining trust as a NATO ally. The 555th Fighter Squadron and 555th Aircraft Maintenance Unit are operating as an important part of NATO’s around-the-clock mission.

  • 31 AMXS creates Airmen for life

    Being an Airman isn’t just about joining the U.S. Air Force. This belief is what encouraged 31st Maintenance Group leadership to create the Airman 4 Life program, which aims to teach Airmen important life skills to prepare them for life outside of the military - whether that be at the end of a four