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  • Crisis on the Slopes: A Pararescue Mission Beyond the Uniform

    When a U.S. Air Force pararescueman set out on a skiing trip in the Alps, he wasn’t expecting to put his training to the test. But when he came across an injured skier, instinct and experience took over as a routine day on the slopes evolved into a moment of lifesaving action.On Jan 17., Senior

  • HAF/A1 and AFPC spreads the word at Aviano Air Base

    Air Force District of Washington A1 and Air Force Personnel Center leaders visited Aviano Air Base, Italy Jan. 29 – 31 to host an all call, meet Airmen, visit facilities and learn more about the mission of the 31st Fighter Wing.

  • Meet your PRAP monitors

    The medical PRAP mission is to provide overwatch on commanders’ potential blind spots, eliminating the possibility of mission degradation due to medical ailments.

  • Prefect of Pordenone visits Aviano

    Prefect of Pordenone, Michele Lastella (left), accepts a commander’s coin from U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Tad Clark, 31st Fighter Wing commander (right), after his first visit as Prefect to Aviano Air Base, Italy, Jan. 14, 2025. Lastella met with several units around the 31st Fighter Wing to include

  • 31 Fighter Wing leaders bring holiday cheer to deployed Airmen

    U.S. Air Force Brig. Gen. Tad Clark, 31st Fighter Wing commander engages with Airmen during a visit at Campia Turzii, Romania, Dec. 19, 2024. The 31st FW command team had the opportunity to dive deep into the everyday operations of the geographically separated unit with Airmen from bases such as

  • Forever Etched in History

    In a role that bridges time and preserves legacies, Mattea Sanders spent four years with the 31st Fighter Wing immersing herself – and others – in the rich, intertwined histories of NATO, Italian air force and American military partnerships. As the historian for the wing, she not only honored